5 foreign scholarships for business school in London

London’s business schools have produced CEOs, government officials, directors, and a slew of other notables. There are innumerable more who have had their lives and livelihoods changed for the better. The way to proceed is to join this club of success tales. Talent is now universal, but opportunity is not. Studying at business schools in London may be famously costly, with rents averaging 341 pounds per month and prices rising at the quickest rate in three decades. The good news is that there are scholarships available to assist you pay for your tuition and living expenses here, if not entirely, at least significantly. We’ve compiled a list of five scholarships for overseas students interested in studying at these prestigious business schools in London.

Imperial College Business School is a prestigious business school in London.

The Full-Time MBA will cost 57,200 pounds in 2022. The Black Future Leader Award and Forte Fellowships for Women recipients might get up to 50% of this expense funded. To apply, you must have received a Full-Time MBA offer and have a strong academic, professional, and leadership track record. Other scholarships for up to 25,000 pounds are available from Imperial College, and you do not need to show that you are self-funded.

London Business School is a business school in London, England.

Tuition for its MBA will be 97,500 pounds in 2022. You will be automatically evaluated for London Business School Fund Scholarships if you have demonstrated academic and professional achievement and the capacity to contribute to all elements of the MBA program. These scholarships pay full tuition expenses. With many grants awarded each year, this is the MBA’s largest general group of scholarships. The African Scholarship is worth 20,000 pounds and is given to successful MBA students who are African citizens and satisfy the criteria.

London’s Regent’s University

The Dr. Nicholas Bowen Award for Excellence, which was established in 2017, awards 2,000 pounds to one student who best demonstrates the following characteristics: academic performance, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment to internationalism, and ability to foster community spirit among the student body. As a French citizen with Cameroonian ancestry, receiving the grant enabled me to travel and study in China and Argentina, which turned out to be the finest experiences of my degree. Studying abroad had a profound impact on me. I discovered my personal boundaries, pushed my limits, and developed as a person. The Dean of Business & Management’s Excellence Scholarships are another scholarship offered to undergraduates of all nationalities. Each year, one scholarship will pay half of the costs for a normal program’s duration, and two scholarships will cover a quarter of the fees for a standard program’s duration.

The GREAT Scholarships 2022 (India and Pakistan) from Goldsmiths, University of London are each worth 10,000 pounds as a fee waiver. The lucky recipients will be two students from India and Pakistan who have been offered a place in one of the postgraduate-taught courses offered by the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Computing, Design, Institute of Management Studies, Psychology, and Politics and International Relations. The application deadline is Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (BST).

HULT International Business School

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Award, Social Impact Award, and Visionary Women Award are among the need-based honors offered by HULT for undergraduate students. The recipients will get 40,000 pounds over the course of four years or 30,000 pounds over the course of three years. To apply, first fill out a student application, then write a 400-500 word essay or make a five-minute video demonstrating your devotion to each of the causes.

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